One Year with AI
My Art's Evolution
I’m just an artist. That’s it. In my pursuit of art over the last 10 years, I never knew that my choice for art mediums would expand from design, photography, and video, to — Artificial Intelligence?
Hmmm, it’s the A, in AI that bugs everyone. Isn’t it? A rebranding may be in order…
See, I was among the few who chose to evolve my artistic instinct alongside Generative AI this past year! It was a year of leaning into tech curiosities and transforming my old workflow with new methodologies. As an artist, I knew that I needed to pursue a version of AI where Artists were considered, compensated, and credited in the process of Ai training on their images.
I chose the most sincere path I could find — Adobe Firefly.
Gen Ai x Photoshop
Gen Ai x Video
Gen Ai x Photoshop
At first, I did what any novice would do on their first day of learning a new art medium,
I drew from my own work!
Most of my first prompts were derivative of my own work. I found myself reciting the description of my photography scenes to recreate digitally a voice of my own in the AI process. I grew up in Florida, so naturally I asked for a beach, a woman in contemplation, and a nice boat on the horizon. Cute, effective, and closely related to my photographic work….But not daring enough.
My Imagination x Gen Ai
My Photography
So I entered my imagination and asked the Ai gods for a view of the future.
Enter chapter “Messing with things that don’t exist in reality but do in my imagination”
I explored ideas around futuristic homes, the universe, the sky, the sun, and the stars… because why not right?
With this new mindset of prompting scenes from my imagination, I found myself generating ingredients to represent a bigger concept — my inner child. In this depiction of a child looking out to its fantastical future, I was able to express a scene only inside my mind. Resources to create this scene would have required me to budget in studio time, model, or a space shuttle 🚀. For an artist, this lack of resources would hault them on their path of exploring a new creative medium. Instead, artists can incorporate Ai in their workflows to evolve their thinking skills and creative spirit in this new art medium.
Uuff maybe that’s a large order to fill... Ai, are you up for the task?
I chose to take a step further and bring forth my motion skills to introduce life to these rare Ai generated scenes. Headphones for Audio immersion recommended.
Finally, after a year of deconstructing and teaching Ai during it’s development, here are a set of methods that I think can help anyone get started on their Ai journey.
Teaching at The San Francisco Adobe Live Studios
Something you must learn about me, I am a person who thrives in Creativity and a little mathematics.
Systems like the one below are cruciaI in my self-education journey.
Try out these methods with my 3 magical prompts to begin your own Ai Artwork.
The 50/50 AI Method
50% Photography, 50% Gen Ai
In this workflow, you want to begin by rising images from the ashes and introducing new Ai technology to refresh their potential.
Photographic Reference
Gen Ai Expanded x Re-imagined
The 70/30 AI Method
70% Reference image, 30% Ai prompt
This method works strictly in Adobe Firefly website where you can bring in a reference of your image to influence your Ai generation. It’s a very powerful move where the image plays a strong role in directing the style, color, lighting, and fidelity of your final render.
Photographic Reference
Gen Ai Re-imagined
The 90/10 AI Method
90% Photography 10% Ai Powered Retouching Tools
This is a method where you refresh your Photography workflows across the Adobe Ecosystem to reflect new editing tools powered by Adobe Firefly. This means that your retouching and post-editing workflow gains a boost in speed and efficiency!
Photographic Reference
Gen Ai Expanded
The 100 AI Method
100% Ai Powered Imagination
This is a method where you begin on a blank canvas, with zero visual references, just you, your mind and a keyboard.
Gen Ai Imagined
“For me, tech is fascinating, strange, and even berserk at times. It motivates me, because, after all, I do think it takes a mad person to color outside the lines and innovate life as we know it. ”