Hotel Hopping
My Photographic Journey into Hospitality
“I want to tell you the story behind how I came to photograph some of the most iconic hotels in Miami. ”
I want to tell you the story behind how I came to photograph some of the most iconic hotels in Miami.
In 2015 I began as a graphic designer in a small creative agency that had a rolodex of local clients in Miami, Florida. I was, at the time brought in to take care of what was then Thompson hotel and later turned into The Confidant in South Beach. I would spend many hours creating collateral materials under this brand and a collection of others whose creative demands felt in so many words, for me; “like drawing inside the lines”.
Needless to say, I wasn’t too happy as a designer in those days, turning over flyer after flyer with little to no accreditation for my design efforts. I had to make a choice, I either moved on from the company or I could pitch an idea I had been pondering on my many walks home.
over hobbies…
See, at the time I spent all my off time photographing the streets, walking along urban neighborhoods collecting moments that drew my eye. For me, it was more than a hobby, it was a passion. A passion I wanted to find a way to continue to do on my 9-5.
This was my chance.
“I explained enthusiastically the potential of this new idea to enrich our creative output for our current loyal client. ”
The pitch
pitch quote
I entered that morning with nervous excitement at the possibilities. As I sat down in my boss’s office, I spoke frankly about my duress in my graphic design position and as a natural solution-forward person, I began to express how we could resolve that situation. So I did just that, I proceeded to pitch my creative solution to expand the company’s creative output by introducing — Photography.
I explained enthusiastically the potential of this new idea to enrich our creative output for our current loyal client. “Along with our current service, we can also provide photography services to our current clients, so there won’t be a need to go elsewhere and our creative team can have the visual assets to design in-house,” I said. 🙈
Take a chance
My boss was intrigued, yet, at that time he had no idea I spent my after-hours photographing the streets of Miami and sharing on what was then a very young Instagram community. He was pleasantly shocked to learn that I had consequentially collected 25,000 followers who would keep up with my photographic “hobby”.
Impressed with my work and undoubtedly with the potential profit of this business plan he decided to support my idea.
I am forever grateful for this leap of faith.
“Hospitality is not only a welcome mat, its a lingering feeling, a memorable experience.”
We went on to collect over 10 clients into the photography department during my time as a lead photographer. My photographs were made into pitch decks for major client acquisitions, including the Fointainbleu Airport.
Today, I continue to nurture hotel collaborations in every freelance opportunity exploring the architecture of hotels like The Shelborne and The Betsy and their keen desire to create a home away from home for their guests.
If you would like to work together, say hello.